Toon Trek:
References to Filmation's Star Trek: The Animated Series
in latter day Star Trek tie-ins

This is a work in progress. I've tried to annotate this list with every element of Star Trek: The Animated Series (TAS) that has appeared in later episodes, movies, novels, comics, games, etc. Those entries marked with an asterisk ( * ) indicate names/terms given by the latter-day references. (B = Reference book, C = Comic, CG = Computer game, CS = Comic strip, M = Movie, N = Novel, RPG = Role playing game, SS = Short story, TOS-Remastered = The Original Series with new CGI FX, TV = Television episode, WG = War game, YA = Young adult novel). If you find something I missed, please let me know - Ian. Email me at:
Please note: This page is currently being reconstructed. New images and text updates are being prepared.
* 15 LYNCIS - Home system of the CAITIANS ("Star Trek Maps", B; "Who's Who in Star Trek", C; "The Worlds of the Federation", "Star Trek Star Charts", B). Mentioned ("The Lost Era: The Sundered", N).
* 92 TRIANGULI-RHO - Home system of the EDOSIANS ("Star Trek Maps", B; "Who's Who in Star Trek", C).
AGMAR of "The Infinite Vulcan" and "Star Trek Log Two" - Listed as Ambassador to the United Federation of Planets ("The Worlds of the Federation", B). See also PHYLOSIANS.
ALEEK-OM, LOOM of "Yesteryear" and "Star Trek Log One" - Historian from AURELIA featured ("Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N). Note: Misspelt "Aleek-On" in View-Master's "Yesteryear" adaptation, "Mr. Spock's Time Trek" booklet.

ANDORIAN COUNCILOR of "The Time Trap" and "Star Trek Log Four" - Male member of the ELYSIAN COUNCIL. Mentioned ("S.C.E.: Where Time Stands Still", eBook). See also THELIN'S COMPLEXION.

APRIL, DOCTOR SARAH POOLE of "The Counter-clock Incident" and "Star Trek Log Seven" - First USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) Chief Medical Officer (in the expanded "The Counter-clock Incident" novelization in "Star Trek Log Seven", N). Wife of ROBERT APRIL. Flashbacks to her early career ("Star Trek Concordance", b/w illustration above, B; "Constitution Class Launched" article in "Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology", B; as Sarah Poole * in "Final Frontier", N, painted illustration above, "Best Destiny", N; "Though Hell has Barred the Way" in "Enterprise Logs", SS).
AQUANS of "The Ambergris Element" and "Star Trek Log Five" - Aquatic sentient race of ARGO once encountered by the USS Enterprise. Mentioned ("The Worlds of the Federation", B).
AQUASHUTTLE of "The Ambergris Element" and "Star Trek Log Five" - Featured ("USS Enterprise Officer's Manual", B). Note: The Delta Flyer had similar underwater capabilities ("Star Trek: Voyager" series, TV).

AREX NA ETH - Male navigator on the USS Enterprise with rank of lieutenant. Home planet given as EDOS ("Star Trek Log" series; N; "Biography of Arex", Lincoln Enterprises; "Who's Who in Star Trek", C). Cameo appearance ("The Galactic Whirlpool", N). Listed ("USS Enterprise Officer's Manual", B). Mentioned ("Mirror Eyes" in "Tales of the Dominion War", SS; "Ex Machina", "Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N). Rank incorrectly mentioned as commander ("Time for Yesterday", N). The TAS regular returns to the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) as navigator (post-"Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" comics, DC Series I, illustrations above) with the rank of lieutenant commander. Now identified as a member of the TRIEXIAN race, Arex Na Eth * time jumps into TNG era and is now security chief of USS Trident (All "New Frontier" from "Gateways: Cold Wars", N; "The Road to Edos" in "New Frontier: No Limits", SS; "New Frontier: Turnaround", C, below). Arex now has eleven brothers and thirteen sisters ("The Road to Edos" in "New Frontier: No Limits", SS, although he had no siblings in "Biography of Arex", Lincoln Enterprises). Notes: Arex was replaced and redrawn as Mr Connors, a blond caucasian human (Power comic/record, "The Crier in Emptiness"). Arex was to have been featured in "Armada", a novel by Robert J Sawyer that did not proceed beyond proposal stage. Arex was replaced by Ensign Fouton in the post-"Star Trek V: The Final Frontier" comics, DC Series II.

ARGO of "The Ambergris Element" and "Star Trek Log Five" - Homeworld of the AQUANS mentioned ("Crucible: McCoy: Provenance of Shadows", N). See also WATER-BREATHERS.
* AURELIA of "Yesteryear" and "Star Trek Log One" - Homeworld of the AURELIANS mentioned ("Star Trek Maps", "Worlds of the Federation", B).
AURELIANS of "Yesteryear" and "Star Trek Log One" - Avian race described; Ambassador Aleek-Aur mentioned ("The Worlds of the Federation", B). Race mentioned ("The Lost Years", "Chains of Command", "The Lost Era: Deny Thy Father", "Ex Machina", "Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N). Note: TAS card set from Rittenhouse assumes Aurelians are the same race as the SKORR. The hominid Ornarans of "TNG: Symbiosis" were originally referred to as Aurelians in an early draft of the script.
AURORAL PLAGUE of "Albatross" and "Star Trek Log Six" - Disease, twice encountered on DRAMIA by Doctor McCoy, mentioned ("USS Enterprise Officer's Manual", B; "Ex Machina", N).
BATES, PAUL of "Yesteryear", "More Tribbles, More Troubles" and "Star Trek Log One" - USS Enterprise officer featured, with given name Paul * and lieutenant rank ("Crucible: McCoy: Provenance of Shadows", "Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N). Note: "Star Trek Log One" and booklet of View-Master's "Yesteryear" adaptation, "Mr. Spock's Time Trek", feature him as a shipbound records officer and an ensign, with Ted ERICKSON accompanying Spock and Kirk through the Guardian of Forever. In the episode Bates wears gold and Erickson wears red.
BEM, ARI BN of "Bem" and "Star Trek Log Nine" - Pandronian observer assumes role of Premier of PANDRO and renamed Ari afbn Bem (in the expanded "Bem" novelization in "Star Trek Log Nine", N).

BETA LYRAE of "The Slaver Weapon" and "Star Trek Log Ten" - Star mentioned (LA Times syndicated storyline, "The Wristwatch Plantation", CS). Shown on star chart of the United Federation of Planets and its environs ("TNG: Conspiracy", TV).
BETA NIOBE of "The Counter-clock Incident" and "Star Trek Log Seven" - Shown on star chart of the United Federation of Planets and its environs ("TNG: Conspiracy", TV). Note: Site of nova had already been featured ("All Our Yesterdays", TV).
BONAVENTURE, S.S. of "The Time Trap" and "Star Trek Log Four" - Early space vessel mentioned ("From Sputnik to Warp Drive", C, in "Star Trek [The Enterprise Logs] Volume 4", B). Featured, but not drawn as seen in TAS ("Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology", B). Featured ("USS Enterprise Officer's Manual", B). Described as the first "starship", a purpose-built warp-capable vessel ("Federation", N). Described as the first Earth vessel fitted with the second generation Cochrane warp drive ("S.C.E.: Where Time Stands Still", eBook). Bonaventure class ships mentioned as successors to the Earth Starfleet NX- series ("Ships of the Line", B).
BRIEL of "The Terratin Incident" and "Star Trek Log Four" - USS Enterprise mess officer listed as a lieutenant ("USS Enterprise Officer's Manual", B).
BRYCE, RANDI of "The Eye of the Beholder" and "Star Trek Log Six" - Former SS Ariel biologist, now of Commander rank, in cameo appearance ("Crucible: McCoy: Provenance of Shadows", N)
CAIT - Located in the Lynx Constellation. Home planet of M'RESS ("Star Trek Log" series, N; "Biography of M'Ress", Lincoln Enterprises; "Vanguard: Harbinger", N). Sometimes called Caitia ("New Frontier" series, N).

CAITIANS - Felinoid members of the United Federation of Planets, supposedly distantly related to KZINTI. Admiral and Dame M'Arrt appear (in the expanded "The Counter-clock Incident" novelization in "Star Trek Log Seven", N). Warp drive technician Ensign M'Viore and security officer Ensign R'Leez are female Caitian Enterprise crewmembers (in the expanded "The Slaver Weapon" novelization in "Star Trek Log Ten", N). Mind-stanzas of poet M'Radd of CAIT mentioned (in the expanded "The Slaver Weapon" novelization in "Star Trek Log Ten", N). Enslaved felinoid female appears ("The Final Reflection", N). Security guard Crewman Sh'aow featured ("Ex Machina", N). Two Caitian Starfleet admirals are present at Kirk's trial ("Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home", M, photographic stills above). Race featured and Ambassador M'Roaa listed ("The Worlds of the Federation", B).

A triple-breasted felinoid dancer entertains in Paradise ("Star Trek V: The Final Frontier", M, above left; jokingly referred to in backstage information as a "Kzinrrett"). A male tourist cameos ("Early Voyages: Future Tense", C, above right).

A Caitian captain, Hressth ssha-Aurrffesh of the USS Hemalat, is featured. ("Rihannsu: Swordhunt", "Rihannsu: Honor Blade", N). A male Caitian is a Starfleet cadet ("Starfleet Academy: Telepathy War: Renegades", C, above). M'Tesint is press liaison on Nan Bacco's presidential campaign staff ("TNG: A Time for War, a Time for Peace", N). Councilor Dynkorra M'Relle serves on the Federation Security Council ("Trill: Unjoined" in "Worlds of DS9, Book 2", N). Rriarr is a male Caitian lieutenant on the USS Titan ("Titan: Taking Wing", N). A chirurgeon named Ghee P'Trell of Andoria is a gerontological physician ("DS9: Prophet Motive", TV) but revealed to be a Caitian, the current head of Starfleet Medical on Earth ("Articles of the Federation", N). Niwarra is a female Caitian lieutenant on the USS Sagittarius ("Vanguard: Reap the Whirlwind", N). Admiral R'Miia is a female Caitian investigating the loss of USS Stargazer ("TNG: The Buried Age", N). A Caitian colony is located on Kirisha IV, populated by Caitians and their mammalian shu'prra herds ("TNG: The Buried Age", N). See also M'RESS. Notes: Decipher's roleplay gaming materials referred to the Caitians as Regulans by request of Paramount/Viacom Licensing. USS Excalibur's Ensign Janos appears to be Mugato in appearance but has some Caitian DNA ("New Frontier" series, N).
CANOPUS II of "The Pirates of Orion" and "Star Trek Log Five" - Shown on star chart of the United Federation of Planets and its environs ("TNG: Conspiracy", TV).
CAPELLAN POWER CAT of "The Eye of the Beholder" - Feline lifeform mentioned ("Star Trek Maps", "The Worlds of the Federation", B, illustration below). Spelt "Capalent" power cat (in "Star Trek Log Six", N). Notes: Planet already featured ("Friday's Child, TV). Shown on star chart of the United Federation of Planets and its environs ("TNG: Conspiracy", TV).

CARVER of "The Lorelei Signal" and "Star Trek Log Two" - USS Enterprise lieutenant featured ("My Enemy, My Ally", N; "Double Blind", DC Series I, C; "Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N).
CEPHEUS of "The Terratin Incident". Star of the TERRATIN solar system mentioned ("Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N). Named "Cephenes" in "Star Trek Log Four", N. See also VERDANIS.
CHORIOCYTOSIS of "The Pirates of Orion" and "Star Trek Log Five" - Disease once suffered by Spock mentioned ("The Covenant of the Crown", "Ex Machina", N; "USS Enterprise Officer's Manual", B).
CLAYTON, JIMMY of "The Ambergris Element" and "Star Trek Log Five" - USS Enterprise lieutenant listed as chief pilot ("USS Enterprise Officer's Manual", B). Featured, with given name of Jimmy * ("Crucible: McCoy: Provenance of Shadows", N).
COLONY CREATURES of "More Tribbles, More Troubles" and "Star Trek Log Four" - Supposedly "safe" tribbles that grow huge, but are actually colonies of smaller ones. Mentioned ("The Tribble Handbook", B). See also PANDRONIANS.
COPERNICUS of "Once Upon a Planet" ("Star Trek Log Three") and "The Slaver Weapon" ("Star Trek Log Ten") - Long-range shuttlecraft featured ("USS Enterprise Officer's Manual", B; "Double, Double", N). A later version with the same name appears ("Star Trek V: The Final Frontier", M).
* DAVIS - Enterprise crewman of "Star Trek Log One", "Star Trek Log Three" and "Star Trek Log Four". Featured ("The Janus Gate" trilogy, N). Identified as landing party security guard from "The City on the Edge of Forever", and featured ("Crucible: McCoy: Provenance of Shadows", N).
DECOY STARSHIP, INFLATABLE of "The Practical Joker" and "Star Trek Log Six" - Mentioned as a "Deployable Practice Target" ("How Much for Just the Planet?", N). Note: Decoy is of a Dreadnought class vessel in "Star Trek Log Six".
DEVISOR, I.K.S. of "More Tribbles, More Troubles" and "Star Trek Log Four" - Koloth's Klingon vessel mentioned ("In the Name of Honor", N). Notes: Was to have been featured in "Armada", a proposed novel by Robert J Sawyer that did not proceed beyond proposal stage. An earlier Devisor mentioned as involved in first contact ("The Final Reflection", N).
DEVNA of "The Time Trap" and "Star Trek Log Four" - Orion female member of the ELYSIAN COUNCIL and Speaker of the Laws. Featured ("S.C.E.: Where Time Stands Still", eBook).
* D'MALLU of "Yesteryear" - Predatory plant native to Vulcan's deserts appears (and named in "The Vulcan Academy Murders", N). Mentioned ("Demons", N).
DRAMIA of "Albatross" and "Star Trek Log Six" - Planet of the DRAYMIAN COLONY mentioned ("USS Enterprise Officer's Manual", B; "Andor: Paradigm" in "Worlds of DS9, Book 1", N). See also AURORAL PLAGUE.

DRAMIA II of "Albatross" and "Star Trek Log Six" - Planet mentioned ("Crucible: McCoy: Provenance of Shadows", N). See also AURORAL PLAGUE.
DRAYMIAN COLONY of "Albatross" and "Star Trek Log Six" - Note spelling. Mentioned (in "The Practical Joker" novelization in "Star Trek Log Six", N).
* EDOS - Located in the Triangular Constellation/Triangulum Cluster and assumed to be the home planet of AREX ("Star Trek Log" series, N; "Biography of Arex", Lincoln Enterprises). Edos is allied with the United Federation of Planets ("Biography of Arex", Lincoln Enterprises, although "Star Trek Maps", B, claims the planet did join). Arex is later revealed to be Triexian ("New Frontier" series from "Gateways: Cold Wars", N). TRIEXIANS are United Federation of Planets members but EDOSIANS are still not ("The Road to Edos" in "New Frontier: No Limits", SS). Note: Edos also mentioned as Arex's home planet in "Armada", a proposed novel by Robert J Sawyer that did not proceed beyond proposal stage.
* EDOSIAN ORCHID - Species of rare flower mentioned, named as a salute to TAS ("DS9: Broken Link", TV). Later featured ("DS9: A Stitch in Time", N, below). Mentioned ("TNG: Section 31: Rogue", N).

* EDOSIAN SLUG - Species of slug, used in Denobulan medical treatments, mentioned, named as a salute to TAS ("Enterprise: The Catwalk", "Enterprise: Regeneration", TV).
* EDOSIAN SUCKER FISH - Species of edible catfish mentioned, named as a salute to TAS ("Enterprise: These Are the Voyages...", TV).

* ELISIAR - An Edosian triple-keyboard organ used by human Mr Connors (Power comic/record, "The Crier in Emptiness", below). See also SESSICA.

ELYSIA of "The Time Trap" and "Star Trek Log Four" - Delta Triangle Region featured ("Star Trek Star Charts", B; "S.C.E.: Where Time Stands Still", eBook).
ELYSIAN COUNCIL of "The Time Trap" and "Star Trek Log Four" - The twelve Councilors are mentioned or featured (in "S.C.E.: Where Time Stands Still", eBook), but the human female has seemingly been replaced by a Valzhan named Saraven - and the Kzin representative goes unidentified and undescribed. Notes: The episode shows members of these races to be the twelve Councilors: Andorian, Gorn, Human, Klingon, Kzin, Orion, Phylosian, Romulan, Tellarite, Vulcan, plus a female alien (with a water-filled helmet) and an ant-like insectoid. Some alien races present on the Council were renamed (and therefore re-identified as different races), in the "The Time Trap" novelization in "Star Trek Log Four", N, ie. Berikazin (for the Kzin), Edoan (for the Andorian), Gorin (for the Gorn) and Tallerine (for the Tellarite).
ERICKSON, THEODORE "TED" of "Yesteryear" and "Star Trek Log One" - USS Enterprise historian featured, misspelt "Erikson" ("Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N). Note: "Star Trek Log One" adaptation casts him as an older, independent historian. Booklet of View-Master's "Yesteryear" adaptation, "Mr. Spock's Time Trek", features him accompanying Spock and Kirk through the Guardian of Forever, not records officer Paul BATES. In the episode Erickson wears red and Bates wears gold.
GABLER of "The Survivor" and "Star Trek Log Two", "Once Upon a Planet" and "Star Trek Log Three", and "The Terratin Incident", "The Time Trap" and "Star Trek Log Four" - USS Enterprise lieutenant featured (extended novelization of "The Magicks of Megas-Tu" in "Star Trek Log Three", "Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N).
* GLIND of "The Time Trap" - Male GORN member of the ELYSIAN COUNCIL. Named, revealed as a wanted criminal, and featured ("S.C.E.: Where Time Stands Still", eBook, below).

GLOMMER of "More Tribbles, More Troubles" and "Star Trek Log Four" - Klingon genetic construct designed to be a tribble predator, mentioned ("The Tribble Handbook", B; "Crucible: Kirk: The Star to Every Wandering", N). A tribble predator, species unnamed, mentioned as having escaped from a Federation zoo and consumed numerous domestic cats ("My Enemy, My Ally", N).
* GNALA - Presumed home planet of Sord. In TNG era, a member world of the United Federation of Planets. See GNALISH.

* GNALISH of "The Jihad" - Sord of TAS is a reptilian sentient being who worked with Kirk to solve a theft on Skorr. Perhaps a Fejjimaera Gnalish. USS Stargazer's Phigus Simenon is a Mazzereht Gnalish ("TNG: Reunion", "TNG: Double Helix: The First Virtue", "Stargazer" series, N). The Aklaash Gnalish are bigger aliens than Simenon ("Stargazer: Progenitor", N). A Gnalish linguist featured ("S.C.E.: War Stories, Book 1", eBook). An officer on USS Musgrave is Gnalish ("The Road to Edos" in "New Frontier: No Limits", SS). Gorus Gelemingar of Gnala serves on the Federation Security Council ("Articles of the Federation", N). Race not named until "TNG: Reunion", N; Ian McLean postulated online that Sord was Gnalish and writer Michael Jan Friedman liked the idea.

GORN COUNCILOR of "The Time Trap" and "Star Trek Log Four" - See GLIND.
GOVERNOR of "One of Our Planets is Missing" and "Star Trek Log One" - Robert Wesley (of "The Ultimate Computer", TOS) mentioned as former Governor of MANTILLES ("Yesterday's Son", "Tears of the Singers", "Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N).
GRAYSON of "Yesteryear" and "Star Trek Log One" - Surname of Spock's mother, Amanda. Mentioned (various sources, including View-Master's "Yesteryear" adaptation, "Mr. Spock's Time Trek" booklet; "The Vulcan Academy Murders", "Ishmael", "Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N).
GREY, JAN of "Yesteryear" and "Star Trek Log One" - Human historian featured (View-Master's "Yesteryear" adaptation, "Mr. Spock's Time Trek" booklet; "Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N).
HURON, S.S. of "The Pirates of Orion" and "Star Trek Log Five" - Freighter mentioned ("Crucible: Kirk: The Star to Every Wandering", N).
I-CHAYA of "Yesteryear" - Spock's pet SEHLAT. Mentioned (in the expanded "The Counter-clock Incident" novelization in "Star Trek Log Seven", N; "Sehlat" segment of "What's the Star Trek Connection?" TAS DVD; "The Needs of the One", DC Comics Series II Special, C). Incident recapped (View-Master's "Yesteryear" adaptation, "Mr. Spock's Time Trek" booklet; "Vulcan's Glory", "Vulcan's Forge", "Crucible: McCoy: Provenance of Shadows", "Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N). Note: Misspelt "Ee-chiya" in the "Yesteryear" novelization in "Star Trek Log One" and "Star Trek Log Seven", N.
KAHS-WAN RITUAL of "Yesteryear" and "Star Trek Log One" - Spock's experiences as a seven year old recapped ("Lt. Commdr. Spock: Psycho-file", C, in "The Enterprise Logs, Volume 3", B; "USS Enterprise Officer's Manual", B; "The Final Voyage", DC Comics Series I Annual, C; "Vulcan's Glory", "The Brave and the Bold: The Fourth Artifact", "Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N). Note: Young Spock mentioned as ten at the time of his death in booklet accompanying View-Master's "Yesteryear" adaptation, "Mr. Spock's Time Trek". Shi-Kar Desert Survival, Vulcan listed on panel ("TNG: The Emissary", TV). Ritual mentioned ("The Prometheus Design", "Vulcan's Forge", "Vulcan's Soul: Exodus", "Vulcan's Soul: Exiles", "Vulcan's Soul: Epiphany", N). T'Pol's experience mentioned ("Enterprise: The Catwalk", TV). Canonical since "The Catwalk". Tuvok mentions a similar ritual, the Tal'oth ("Voyager: Displaced", TV; "Titan: The Red King", N). See also SPOCK'S CHILDHOOD.
KALI of "The Time Trap" and "Star Trek Log Four" - Klingon woman revealed as Kor's wife ("The Tears of the Singers", N). Presumably it was her firstborn son killed by The Albino ("DS9: Blood Oath", TV).
* KELTHOS of "The Time Trap" - Male Klingon member of the ELYSIAN COUNCIL. Named and featured ("S.C.E.: Where Time Stands Still", eBook).
KENICLIUS, DOCTOR STAVOS of "The Infinite Vulcan" and "Star Trek Log Two" - Eugenics Wars contemporary of Khan Noonien Soong mentioned ("The Worlds of the Federation", B; "The Rules of War", SS, in "Strange New Worlds 9"; "Eugenics" segment of "What's the Star Trek Connection?" TAS DVD). See also KENICLIUS 5.
KENICLIUS 5 of "The Infinite Vulcan" and "Star Trek Log Two" - Giant clone of Doctor Stavos KENICLIUS mentioned (in the novelization of "Once Upon a Planet" in "Star Trek Log Three", N).
KLINGON CLOAKING DEVICE of "The Time Trap" and "Star Trek Log Four" - Featured ("ST III: The Search for Spock", M, and numerous other sources; "Star Trek" 2009, M). Canonical since ST III.
KLINGON COUNCILOR of "The Time Trap" and "Star Trek Log Four" - See KELTHOS.
KLOTHOS, I.K.S. of "The Time Trap" and "Star Trek Log Four" - Kor's Klingon vessel mentioned ("DS9: Once More Unto the Breach", TV; "The Lost Era: The Art of the Impossible", N; "S.C.E.: Where Time Stands Still", eBook). Klothos is also Klingon planet ("Star Trek Maps", B). Name of vessel canonical since "Once More Unto the Breach".
KYLE'S FACIAL HAIR of "Beyond the Farthest Star", "One of Our Planets is Missing" and "Bem" - The USS Enterprise Transporter Chief (TOS, large inset below right) sports a new moustache in TAS, (inset below far left). Kyle adds a goatee beard when he is promoted to the rank of commander, as Communications Officer on USS Reliant ("Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan", M, main illustration below) and other postings ("Debt of Honor", C, small inset below far right). Note: Kyle's moustache was missing in a Marvel comic set just after ST:TMP, so he must have shaved it off at least once between TAS and ST II.

KZIN of "The Slaver Weapon" and "Star Trek Log Ten" - Home planet of the KZINTI shown on star charts of the United Federation of Planets and its environs ("Star Trek Maps", rendered as the Kz'nti and Kznti Patriarchy, B; "TNG: Conspiracy", TV). Area indicates location of The Patriarchy ("Star Trek Star Charts", B).

KZIN COUNCILOR of "The Time Trap" and "Star Trek Log Four" - Bear-like, prototype Kzin member (above) of the ELYSIAN COUNCIL. Named as a Berikazin ("The Time Trap" novelization in "Star Trek Log Four", N). Cleverly not mentioned by name ("S.C.E.: Where Time Stands Still", eBook).

KZINTI of "The Infinite Vulcan" (mentioned), "The Time Trap" (cameo), and "The Slaver Weapon" - Featured (in "The Terratin Incident" novelization in "Star Trek Log Four", "The Ambergris Element" novelization in "Star Trek Log Five", N; "Star Fleet Battles", WG). Kznti marker buoy featured ("Star Trek Maps", B). Fth-Captain and crew featured (LA Times syndicated storyline, "The Wristwatch Plantation", CS, illustration above). Mentioned ("From Sputnik to Warp Drive", C, in "Star Trek [The Enterprise Logs] Volume 4"; "Worlds of the Federation", B). Race mentioned, and two Kzinti visitors acknowledged in their native language by a Starfleet starbase commander, Maria Kellogg ("Ishmael", N). Mentioned, as the K'zinti ("Battlestations!", N). Race went unspecified as the twelfth ELYSIAN COUNCIL member ("S.C.E.: Where Time Stands Still", eBook). Ongoing felinoid alien race (Larry Niven's "The Warriors", "The Soft Weapon", SS, "Tales of Known Space" and "Ringworld" series, N, "Far Frontiers" Vol VII, B, AC Farley's cover illustration below, and "Man-Kzin Wars" series, N, illustration below far right).

Notes: "The Wristwatch Plantation" storyline was to have been novelized by Sharman DiVono with Larry Niven, but it did not proceed beyond proposal stage. Race rewritten as the M'dok Hegemony, another antagonistic felinoid race ("TNG: The Captains' Honor", N). Race rewritten as the Mirak Star League, yet another antagonistic felinoid race ("Starfleet Command" series, CG, based on "Star Fleet Battles", WG). The triple-breasted female felinoid dancer (in "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier", M) was referred to in backstage information as a "Kzinretti". Although we never see representatives of the Tzenkethi Coalition ("DS9: The Adversary", TV), some fans (wrongly) assume that this now-alligned race, with whom the Federation fought two wars ("DS9: Paradise Lost", TV), was intended to be the Kzinti, due to the near-anagram of the name. A Tzenkethi settlement is located on M'kemas III ("DS9: The Adversary", TV). Garek claims to have been a spy on Tzenketh ("DS9: By Inferno's Light", TV). Tzenkethi male described as a "feliform" biped ("DS9: Infinite Bureaucracy", SS, in "Strange New Worlds VII"). In 2006, the screenwriter Robert Hewitt Wolfe, who coined the term "Tzenkethi" for DS9 recalled, "I basically made them up. And yeah, I named them. But I can't remember if I was making a purposeful homage to Niven or not. If I had to guess, I suspect I did my usual and combined a couple things. Probably Kzinti and Tsankth. But when I picture them in my head, they weren't big cat people. I thought of them as more like the Hakazit." (The Tsankth are from "RuneQuest" and "HeroQuest", RPG. The Hakazit are from Jack L Chalker's "Well World" novels, and are described inconsistently as either: three-metre tall Tyrannosaurus Rexes with powerfully strong arms; or large mosquitoes.) There is also no connection between the Xindi ("Star Trek: Enterprise", TV) and the Kzinti, despite both fighting wars with Earth.
LACTRA VII of "The Eye of the Beholder" and "Star Trek Log Eight" - Featured (in the expanded "The Eye of the Beholder" novelization in "Star Trek Log Eight", N). Shown on star chart of the United Federation of Planets and its environs ("TNG: Conspiracy", TV).
LACTRANS of "The Eye of the Beholder" and "Star Trek Log Eight" - Race and home planet of LACTRA VII featured (in the expanded "The Eye of the Beholder" novelization in "Star Trek Log Eight", N). Mentioned ("The Worlds of the Federation", B).
LE-MATYA of "Yesteryear" and "Star Trek Log One" - Incident recapped (View-Master's "Yesteryear" adaptation, "Mr. Spock's Time Trek" booklet; "Lt. Commdr. Spock: Psycho-file", C, in "The Enterprise Logs, Volume 3", B; "Vulcan's Glory", "Vulcan's Forge", "Crucible: McCoy: Provenance of Shadows", "Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N). Vulcan lifeform featured ("The Vulcan Academy Murders", N, below; "Vulcan's Forge", N; "Special: The Needs of the One", "Door to the Cage", DC Series II, C; "Starfleet Survival Guide", "Roleplaying Game: Creatures", B). Mentioned ("The Prometheus Design", "Triangle", "Spock's World", "Demons", "Titan: Taking Wing", N; "The Worlds of the Federation", B; "Voyager: Pathways", "Vulcan's Soul: Exodus", "Ex Machina", "Vulcan's Soul: Exiles", "Vulcan's Soul: Epiphany", N).

LIFE SUPPORT BELTS - Skin-tight, glowing personal force fields, projected from waistbelts. Alternate technology to bulky environmental suits mentioned ("USS Enterprise Officer's Manual", B; "Bloodthirst", "DS9: The Tempest", "Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", "Crucible: Kirk: The Star to Every Wandering", N). Called "bio-belts" ("Triangle", N). Called "life support shields" ("TNG: The Peacekeepers", N). Called "subspace isolation fields", projected from modified emergency transporter armbands ("TNG: Timescape", TV).
L-LANGON MOUNTAINS of "Yesteryear" and "Star Trek Log One" - Vulcan locale mentioned ("The Vulcan Academy Murders", "The Brave and the Bold: The Fourth Artifact", "Titan: The Red King", "Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N). Referred to as "Llangon Hills" ("Vulcan's Glory", N). "The mountains" on Vulcan mentioned ("TNG: Unification", TV). See also VULCAN'S FORGE.
LUNAPORT of "Yesteryear" and "Star Trek Log One" - Locale on Earth's moon mentioned ("Enterprise: The Catwalk", TV; "Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N). Name of base canonical since "The Catwalk".
MAGEN of "The Time Trap" - Psionic female hominid from the Omega Cygni system. Featured ("S.C.E.: Where Time Stands Still", eBook). Note: Misspelt "Megan" in the "The Time Trap" novelization in "Star Trek Log Four", N.
MANTILLES of "One of Our Planets is Missing" and "Star Trek Log One" - Earth colony in PALLAS 14 SYSTEM mentioned (in the novelization of "The Lorelei Signal" in "Star Trek Log Two", "Crucible: McCoy: Provenance of Shadows", "Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N). See also GOVERNOR.
MEGAS-TU of "The Magicks of Megas-Tu" and "Star Trek Log Three" - Planet mentioned ("Crucible: Kirk: The Star to Every Wandering", N).

M'RESS, SHIBOLINE - Female CAITIAN relief Communications Officer on the USS Enterprise with rank of lieutenant. Home planet given as Cait in the Lynx constellation (TAS "Writers' Guide", "Star Trek Concordance", B; "Star Trek Log" series; N; "Biography of M'Ress", Lincoln Enterprises; "Who's Who in Star Trek", C). M'Mar is the mother of M'Ress; her litter sister M'Nass, and brothers M'Rest and M'Sitt; male friends are N'Nance, V'Rrone and D'Irraj and M'Ress's sire is M'Nault (in "The Ambergris Element" novelization in "Star Trek Log Five", N). Cameo appearance ("The Galactic Whirlpool", "Crucible: McCoy: Provenance of Shadows", N). Listed ("USS Enterprise Officer's Manual", B). Mentioned ("Ex Machina", N). Returns to the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) as a science officer (post-"Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" comics, DC Series I, above) with the rank of lieutenant commander. Shiboline * M'Ress time jumps into TNG era, posted to USS Trident (all "New Frontier" from "Gateways: Cold Wars", N). Chief Science Officer (from "New Frontier: After the Fall", N; "New Frontier: Turnaround", C).

Notes: M'Ress was once redrawn as a bluish hominid woman, but still M'Ress the Caitian (Power comic/record, "Passage to Moauv!", above). M'Ress was again redrawn (original art previewed in "Amazing Heroes" magazine #170, Aug 1989, page 99), replaced by Lieutenant M'yra, a reddish hominid woman with antelope horns and a devil's tail, in the post-"Star Trek V: The Final Frontier" comics, DC Series II (b/w and colour illustrations below).

NACELLES, WARP of "One of Our Planets is Missing" and "Star Trek Log One" - It is possible to enter one in an emergency ("TNG: Eye of the Beholder"; "Enterprise: The Catwalk", TV) Canonical since "Eye of the Beholder".
* NASAT of "The Jihad" - Em/3/Green (below left), a Nasat, worked with Kirk to solve a theft on Skorr. Starfleet Corps of Engineers' P8 Blue (aka Pattie) identified as the same race ("S.C.E." series, eBooks, below right). Insectoid members of the United Federation of Planets in TNG era. The Nasat homeworld is visited, and Z4 Blue featured ("S.C.E.: Balance of Nature", eBook). Race attributes mentioned ("The Lost Era: The Sundered", "Andor: Paradigm" in "Worlds of Deep Space Nine, Book 1", "Titan: The Red King", N). UFP Presidential advisor Z4 Blue (aka Ziff) of Nasat returns, and Federation Councilor C29 Green featured ("Articles of the Federation", N). Scientist V1 Red, Governor V5 Red, Q2 and the chief engineer of USS Io are Nasat ("Articles of the Federation", N). Race not named until "S.C.E." series.

NORED, ANNE of "The Survivor" and "Star Trek Log Two" - USS Enterprise security lieutenant mentioned as requesting a transfer ("The Lorelei Signal" novelization in "Star Trek Log Two", N). Listed as back aboard ("USS Enterprise Officer's Manual", B). Still an ensign in a previous chronological mission ("Crucible: Kirk: The Star to Every Wandering", N).
ORION CIVILIZATION of "The Pirates of Orion" and "Star Trek Log Five" - Timeline disruption, caused while historians studied the dawn of Orion civilization, mentioned ("Crucible: Kirk: The Star to Every Wandering", N).
ORION COUNCILOR of "The Time Trap" and "Star Trek Log Four" - See DEVNA.

ORION HELMETS of "The Pirates of Orion" and "Star Trek Log Five" - Featured ("Errand of Fury: Demands of Honor", N).

ORIONS, MALE of "The Pirates of Orion" and "Star Trek Log Five" - Helmeted hominids featured (in "What Goes Around...", DC Comics, Series I, C, above; FASA materials, RPG) and many novels (especially "Prime Directive", "New Frontier: "House of Cards", "New Frontier: Excalibur: Restoration" and the "Errand of Fury" trilogy, N). Also featured ("Enterprise: Borderland", below, "Enterprise: Bound", TV). Race miscoloured a pasty blue/white for TAS and carried over into the DC Comic appearance. In most other appearances they are green like their female counterparts. (Reference to Sulu and Chekov defeating Orion pirates in the DC comic was from a cancelled novel concept, "Orion's Belt" by Robert Greenberger, intended to be part of "The Lost Years" saga.) Piracy incident of S.S. HURON mentioned ("Crucible: Kirk: The Star to Every Wandering", N). Notes: Some FASA roleplay gaming materials referred to male Orions' white/gold/green colouring being derived from varying amounts of melanin. Green complexion of Orion males canonical since "Borderland". A canonical link was made in "Borderland" between Orion slavers and the various races shown to be members of the Orion Syndicate (DS9's "Shadowplay", "Little Green Men", "The Ascent", "A Simple Investigation", "Call to Arms", "Honor Among Thieves" and "Prodigal Daughter", TV).

PALLAS 14 SYSTEM of "One of Our Planets is Missing" and "Star Trek Log One" - Shown on star chart of the United Federation of Planets and its environs ("TNG: Conspiracy", TV). Mentioned ("Crucible: McCoy: Provenance of Shadows", N). See also MANTILLES.
PANDRO of "Bem" and "Star Trek Log Nine" - Homeworld of the PANDRONIANS featured (in the expanded "Bem" novelization in "Star Trek Log Nine", N). Mentioned ("Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N).

PANDRONIANS of "Bem" and "Star Trek Log Nine" - Sentient COLONY CREATURES in hominid form featured, and Premier Kau afdel Kaun, Lud eb Riss, ab Af, Dav pn Hon and da Mida named (in the expanded "Bem" novelization in "Star Trek Log Nine", N). Mentioned (novelization of "The Slaver Weapon" in "Star Trek Log Ten", "Titan: The Red King", N). Artist Lura bn Zel mentioned ("Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N). See Ari bn BEM.
* PATRIARCHY, KZINTI - Mentioned ("Star Trek Maps", rendered as the Kz'nti and Kznti Patriarchy, B; LA Times syndicated storyline, "The Wristwatch Plantation", CS). Featured ("Star Fleet Battles", WG). Location of The Patriarchy mentioned ("Star Trek Star Charts", B). See also KZINTI.
PHYLOS of "The Infinite Vulcan" and "Star Trek Log Two" - Home planet of the PHYLOSIANS mentioned (in the novelization of "Once Upon a Planet" in "Star Trek Log Three", N). Shown on star chart of the United Federation of Planets and its environs ("Star Trek Maps", B; "TNG: Conspiracy", TV).
PHYLOSIAN COUNCILOR of "The Time Trap" - Member of the ELYSIAN COUNCIL. Featured ("S.C.E.: Where Time Stands Still", eBook).

PHYLOSIANS of "The Infinite Vulcan" ("Star Trek Log Two") and "The Time Trap" - Sentient, plant-like race mentioned ("The Worlds of the Federation", B, above; "TNG: Unification", "TNG: A Time to Harvest", N). A Phylosian cameos ("The Fearful Summons", N). A Phylosian is part of the crew on the Vulcan science vessel, Sakar ("Crucible: McCoy: Provenance of Shadows", N). The trapped Phylosians in ELYSIA finally escape ("S.C.E.: Where Time Stands Still", eBook). See also AGMAR, RETLAW PLANT, SWOOPERS and VODER.
POD SHIP, ALIEN of "Beyond the Farthest Star" and "Star Trek Log One" - Featured ("Ships of the Line Calendar: 2007"; reprinted "Ships of the Line", B).
POLICE SHIPS, KZINTI of "The Slaver Weapon" and "Star Trek Log Ten" - Mentioned (LA Times syndicated storyline, "The Wristwatch Plantation", CS).
* POOLE, DOCTOR SARAH - See Doctor Sarah Poole APRIL.
PRACTICAL JOKES of "The Practical Joker" and "Star Trek Log Six" - Incident of computer malfunction mentioned ("Crucible: McCoy: Provenance of Shadows", "Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N).
QUESTAR M17 of "Beyond the Farthest Star" and "Star Trek Log One" - Mentioned ("Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N).
RECREATION ROOM of "The Practical Joker" and "Star Trek Log Six" - Mentioned (in the expanded "The Eye of the Beholder" novelization in "Star Trek Log Eight", "The Prometheus Design", N; "Holographs" segment of "What's the Star Trek Connection?" TAS DVD). Featured ("My Enemy, My Ally", "Spock's World", N; "The Final Voyage", DC Comics Series I Annual, C). Interactive holographic technology attributed to Dr Richard Daystrom ("The Rift", N). Technology mentioned ("USS Enterprise Officer's Manual", B). Prototype of the 24th century Starfleet holodeck (TNG series, TV). Canonical since "TNG: Encounter at Farpoint".
RETLAW PLANT, PHYLOSIAN of "The Infinite Vulcan" and "Star Trek Log Two" - Mentioned ("USS Enterprise Officer's Manual", B; "The Worlds of the Federation", B) "Retlaw" is "Walter" [Koenig], spelled backwards. See also PHYLOSIANS.
RIGEL II of "Mudd's Passion" and "Star Trek Log Three" - Home planet of Rigellian HYPNOID mentioned ("Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N).
ROMULAN COUNCILOR of "The Time Trap" and "Star Trek Log Four" - See XERIUS.
SCOUT VESSEL of "Mudd's Passion" and "Star Trek Log Three" - Featured ("USS Enterprise Officer's Manual", B).
SEHLAT of "Yesteryear" and "Star Trek Log One" - Sabre-toothed, bear-like Vulcan lifeform. First onscreen appearance was in TAS, but had already been described canonically in "Journey to Babel" (TOS), TV. Featured (View-Master's "Yesteryear" adaptation, "Mr. Spock's Time Trek" booklet; "The Vulcan Academy Murders", "Vulcan's Glory", "Voyager: Pathways", "Vulcan's Forge", N; "The Needs of the One", DC Comics Series II Special, C; "Voyager: Starfleet Academy: The Chance Factor", YA; "Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N). Tukok's pet sehlat, Wari, featured ("The Lost Era: The Sundered", N). Mentioned ("The Worlds of the Federation", B; "TNG: Unification", TV; "Captain's Table: Where Sea Meets Sky", "Genesis Wave, Book 3", "Vulcan's Soul: Exodus", "Titan: Taking Wing", "Titan: The Red King", "Vulcan's Soul: Epiphany", N; "Sehlat" segment of "What's the Star Trek Connection?" TAS DVD; "TNG: The Space Between", C). Featured ("Enterprise: The Forge", TV, below); call imitated ("Enterprise: Kir'Shara", TV). Baseball team, the Palombo Sehlats, mentioned ("Articles of the Federation", N). Canonical since "Journey to Babel". See also I-CHAYA.

SELEK of "Yesteryear" and "Star Trek Log One" - Adult Spock's guise while time travelling on Vulcan. Incident recapped (View-Master's "Yesteryear" adaptation, "Mr. Spock's Time Trek" booklet; "Vulcan's Glory", "Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N). Mentioned ("USS Enterprise Officer's Manual", B).
SEPEK of "Yesteryear" and "Star Trek Log One" - Contemporary of Spock presumably namesake of Sepek Academic Scholarship listed on screen ("TNG: Eye of the Beholder", TV). Note: Presumably, one of the young Vulcans in "Star Trek" 2009, M.
* SESSICA - Flute-like musical instrument owned by AREX ("Biography of Arex", Lincoln Enterprises). Featured ("The Terratin Incident" novelization in "Star Trek Log Four", N; "The Road to Edos" in "New Frontier: No Limits", SS). See also ELISIAR. Note: Arex played a mandolin-like stringed instrument (with two necks) in TAS.
SHIKAHR of "Yesteryear" and "Star Trek Log One" - Vulcan locale of ShiKahr mentioned ("Ishmael", "Demons", "Vulcan's Forge", "The Lost Era: The Sundered", "The Brave and the Bold: The Fourth Artifact", "Vulcan's Soul: Exodus", "Titan: The Red King", "Vulcan's Soul: Exiles", "Vulcan's Soul: Epiphany", N; "The Kobayashi Alternative", CG). Appearance, based on TAS ("Amok Time", TOS-Remastered, TV). Spelt "Shi-Kahr" (booklet accompanying View-Master's "Yesteryear" adaptation, "Mr. Spock's Time Trek") and misspelt "Shi-Kar" ("Lt. Commdr. Spock: Psycho-file", C, in "The Enterprise Logs, Volume 3", B). Featured and spelt Shi'Khar ("Captain's Glory", N). Mentioned and spelt ShirKahr ("Ships of the Line", B). Alternate timeline vessel named VSS ShiKahr featured ("Killing Time", N). Holodeck program, Shi-Kar Desert Survival, Vulcan listed on panel ("TNG: The Emissary", TV). Vessel named USS ShirKahr visible onscreen ("DS9: Tears of the Prophets", TV). Skon, father of Sarek, translated the writings of Surak into English, in a volume entitled The Teachings of Surak: Complete and Unabridged - Translated from the Vulcan by Skon of Shi'Khar ("Enterprise: Two Days and Two Nights", TV). ShiKahr Academy mentioned ("Enterprise: Fusion", TV). featured and spelt Shi'Khar ("Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N). Accepted as semi-canonical by some reference books but sometimes misspelt "ShirKahr".

SHUTTLECRAFT, HEAVY-ARMOURED of "Once Upon a Planet" ("Star Trek Log Three") and "Mudd's Passion" ("Star Trek Log Three") - Featured ("USS Enterprise Officer's Manual", B).
SKORR of "The Jihad" and "Star Trek Log Five" - Mentioned ("Battlestations!", N). Ensign Rixa, female crewmember of this avian race, featured ("TNG: Section 31: Rogue", N). Skorrian fritters, served in a Kaferian apple compote, mentioned ("DS9: Mission Gamma, Book 1: Twilight", N). USS Titan Lieutenant Commander desYog featured ("Titan: The Red King", N). Goddess teneYa-choFe mentioned ("Titan: The Red King", N). Note: TAS card set from Rittenhouse assumes the Skorr is the same race as AURELIANS.

SLAVERS of "The Slaver Weapon" and "Star Trek Log Ten" - Extinct race mentioned ("Star Trek Maps", B). Also known as the Thrint (Larry Niven's non-ST "World of Ptavvs", N, and other "Tales of Known Space" series, N). See also Slaver STASIS BOX.
SPOCK 2 of "The Infinite Vulcan" - Giant clone of Spock, created by KENICLIUS 5, mentioned (in the novelization of "Once Upon a Planet" in "Star Trek Log Three", N).
SPOCK'S CHILDHOOD of "Yesteryear" and "Star Trek Log One". Spock's difficult childhood referenced ("TNG: Unification", TV; "Ex Machina", "Crucible: McCoy: Provenance of Shadows", N). Time travel incident involving Spock mentioned ("Crucible: Kirk: The Star to Every Wandering", N). Sarek's speech about young Spock's destiny, from "Yesteryear", repeated verbatim ("Star Trek" 2009, M). See also KAHSWAN RITUAL.
STARFLEET IDENTIFICATION CARD of "Mudd's Passion" and "Star Trek Log Three" - Featured ("Star Trek III: The Search for Spock", "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home", M; "The Vulcan Academy Murders", N). Canonical since ST III.
STASIS BOX, SLAVER of "The Slaver Weapon" and "Star Trek Log Ten" - Ancient artifact of the SLAVERS featured (in the expanded "The Slaver Weapon" novelization in "Star Trek Log Ten", N).
SWOOPERS, PHYLOSIAN of "The Infinite Vulcan" and "Star Trek Log Two" - Flying plant form mentioned ("The Worlds of the Federation", B) See also PHYLOSIANS.
TASMEEN of "Yesteryear" and "Star Trek Log One" - Vulcan calendar month or season mentioned (View-Master's "Yesteryear" adaptation, "Mr. Spock's Time Trek" booklet; "The Kobayashi Alternative", CG; "Sarek", "Vulcan's Forge", "Vulcan's Soul: Exodus", "Vulcan's Soul: Exiles", "Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", "Vulcan's Soul: Epiphany", N).
TELLARITE COUNCILOR of "The Time Trap" and "Star Trek Log Four" - Male member of the ELYSIAN COUNCIL. Mentioned ("S.C.E.: Where Time Stands Still", eBook).
TERRA TEN COLONY of "The Terratin Incident" and "Star Trek Log Four" - Long-lost Earth colonisation project. Mentioned ("Starfleet Spaceflight Chronology", B; "S.C.E.: Out of the Cocoon", eBook). See also TERRATIN.
TERRATIN of "The Terratin Incident" and "Star Trek Log Four" - Former TERRA TEN COLONY, now of VERDANIS, mentioned ("Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N).
THELIN of "Yesteryear" - Alternate timeline ANDORIAN replacement for Spock featured ("Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N). THELIN'S COMPLEXION and antennae mistakenly miscoloured (as pale grey and caucasian) in some frames of the original animated series.

THELIN'S COMPLEXION of "Yesteryear" - Explained as THELIN being part Aenar ("The Chimes at Midnight" in "Myriad Universes: Echoes and Refractions", N, below). Pale ANDORIAN subspecies called the Aenar featured ("Enterprise: Babel One", TV, as an unidentified helmeted pilot) and revealed ("Enterprise: United", "Enterprise: The Aenar", "Enterprise: These Are the Voyages...", TV; "Enterprise: The Good That Men Do", N).

TIBERIUS of "Bem" and "Star Trek Log Nine" - James T. Kirk's middle name ("Admiral Kirk's Preface" in "Star Trek: The Motion Picture", "The Galactic Whirlpool", N; "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country", M; "James T Kirk" segment of "What's the Star Trek Connection?" TAS DVD; various other references). Canonical since ST VI. Revealed as first name of Kirk's paternal grandfather ("Star Trek" 2009, M).

* T'KUHT of "Yesteryear" - Vulcan planetoid shown in orbit ("Mr. Spock's Time Trek", View-master adaptation of "Yesteryear", above; "Star Trek: The Motion Picture", M, below; "The Vulcan Academy Murders", N; "The Needs of the One", DC Comics Series II Special, C; "Star Trek Star Charts", B). Spelt T'Khut ("Spock's World", "Voyager: Pathways", N; "The Worlds of the Federation", "New Worlds, New Civilizations", B). Name given as T'Rukh and explanation that the name changes are seasonal ("Sarek", N). Notes: Name "T'Kuht" coined by Gordon Carleton (of T'Kuhtian Press fanzines) to explain the misleading TOS quote, "Vulcan has no moon, Miss Uhura". Described as "Vulcan's twin planet" in booklet accompanying View-Master's "Yesteryear" adaptation, "Mr. Spock's Time Trek". If seeking T'Kuht on live-action DVD, it now only appears in the trimmed scenes section of the "ST:TMP Director's Edition".

TREATY OF SIRIUS of "The Slaver Weapon" and "Star Trek Log Ten" - Mentioned ("Star Trek Maps", B; "Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N). Spelt "Syrius" (LA Times syndicated storyline, "The Wristwatch Plantation", CS).
* TRIEX - Home planet of AREX ("New Frontier" series, N; "The Road to Edos" in "New Frontier: No Limits", SS). See also EDOS.

* TRIEXIANS - Tripedal, but less animated offshoot of the EDOSIANS. The USS Enterprise's AREX time jumps into TNG era and is now security chief of USS Trident (All "New Frontier" from "Gateways: Cold Wars", N; "The Road to Edos" in "New Frontier: No Limits", SS; "New Frontier: Turnaround"). Bral is transportation manager on Nan Bacco's presidential campaign staff ("TNG: A Time for War, a Time for Peace", N). Artrin na Yel of Triex served on the Federation Security Council ("Articles of the Federation", N). Kralis na Then mentioned ("Articles of the Federation", N). A Triexian transport captain featured ("IoDnl'pu' vavpu' je", SS, in "Tales from the Captain's Table"). Perhaps the tripodal 24th century officer in Starfleet uniform (in "TNG: USS Enterprise Officer's Manual", B, below) is actually Triexian?

TURBOLIFT, EMERGENCY BRIDGE - Second turboshaft entrance added to bridge of USS Enterprise. Redesign of starship shown as Achernar class ("Star Trek Starfleet Technical Manual", B). Canonical since TMP.
VEDALA of "The Jihad" and "Star Trek Log Five" - Sentient, ancient felinoid race mentioned ("The Lost Era: Serpents Among the Ruins", "Crucible: McCoy: Provenance of Shadows", N).
VERDANIS of "The Terratin Incident" and "Star Trek Log Four" - New location of the TERRATIN colonists mentioned ("Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N).
VENDORIAN of "The Survivor" and "Star Trek Log Two" - Race's language mentioned ("Enterprise: Rosetta", N). See also Carter WINSTON.
VODER of "The Infinite Vulcan" and "Star Trek Log Two" - Or "vocoder", technology for synthesising speech first used by PHYLOSIANS (below left) also mentioned being used by Hortas ("Rihannsu" series, "Articles of the Federation", N; "Double Blind", DC Comics, Series I, C, below right; "The Kobayashi Alternative", CG), a chitonous Xranxi Vion receptionist ("How Much for Just the Planet?", N), the maimed Bajoran, Orta ("DS9: Ensign Ro", TV; "The Brave and the Bold", N) and other aliens ("Ex Machina", N).

VULCAN COUNCILOR of "The Time Trap" and "Star Trek Log Four" - Male member of the ELYSIAN COUNCIL. Mentioned ("S.C.E.: Where Time Stands Still", eBook).
VULCAN'S FORGE of "Yesteryear" and "Star Trek Log One" - Vulcan desert locale mentioned ("DS9: Change of Heart", TV; "Vulcan's Forge", "Stargazer: Oblivion", "The Brave and the Bold: The Fourth Artifact", "To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh", "Vulcan's Soul: Exodus", "Titan: Taking Wing", "Articles of the Federation", "TNG: Death in Winter", "Titan: The Red King", "Vulcan's Soul: Exiles", "Captain's Glory", "Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", "Vulcan's Soul: Epiphany", N; "Night of the Vulture" in "Tales of the Dominion War", SS; Enterprise: The Forge", "Enterprise: Awakening", "Enterprise: Kir'shara", TV). Canonical since "Change of Heart". Also referred to in TAS as part of the L-LANGON MOUNTAINS. Note: the term "Vulcan's Forge" dates back to a Star Trek fanzine from 1969.
WALKING BEAR, DAWSON of "How Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth" and "Star Trek Log Six" - Mentioned ("Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose", N; "Native American Crew" segment of "What's the Star Trek Connection?" TAS DVD). Notes: USS Enterprise ensign rewritten as Lieutenant Sulu in professionally published version of "The Patient Parasites", a script by TAS scriptwriter Russell Bates, for "Star Trek: The New Voyages 2". Character was to have been featured in "Armada", a novel by Robert J Sawyer that did not proceed beyond proposal stage.
WATER-BREATHERS of "The Ambergris Element" and "Star Trek Log Five" - Incident whereby Kirk and Spock were transformed on ARGO mentioned ("Crucible: McCoy: Provenance of Shadows", N).
WINSTON, CARTER of "The Survivor" and "Star Trek Log Two" - Kirk once met a VENDORIAN shapeshifter disguised as this human. The original Winston featured ("Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology", B; "The Final Reflection", N).
XERIUS of "The Time Trap" and "Star Trek Log Four" - Romulan male member of the ELYSIAN COUNCIL. Featured ("S.C.E.: Where Time Stands Still", eBook).
Clicking on some above images leads to larger versions.
[ * A TAS reference is in David R George III's "The Dominion: Olympus Descending" in "Worlds of DS9, Book 3", N]
Most graphics © Paramount Pictures Corp., Filmation, Pocket Books, Ballantine Books, Marvel/Paramount Comics, Los Angeles Times Syndicate, Baen Books, DC Comics, Power Records and FASA. Reproduced for research purposes only. This web page is not intended to infringe on copyrights held by CBS/Paramount. Special thanks also to Curt Danhauser and Kail Tescar.
Page first uploaded January 2004 and revised November 2009. Latest version uploaded July 2021, updated regularly.
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